Academic Information

General Information on Courses

Course Numbering System

Code Description
Alpha Code Precollege - not applicable to bachelor’s degree program
001-199 Activity and survey courses - lower division applicable to bachelor’s degree programs
100-199 Elementary and survey courses - lower division applicable to bachelor’s degree programs
200-299 Intermediate courses - introductory to a discipline applicable to bachelor’s degree programs
300-399 Advanced level, upper division courses - applicable to bachelor’s degree programs
400-499 Advanced level, upper division courses - applicable to bachelor’s degree programs or introductory graduate level courses applicable to advanced degree programs and credential programs
500-699 Graduate level courses - applicable to advanced degree programs and credential programs
700-799 Graduate level, non-degree, professional development courses - not to be used for degree credit

University of La Verne courses can be designated by three digits or by three digits and a letter. The common letters used in course designations are A, B, C, and D with sequences, F with field work, G with selected graduate courses, L with laboratories, P with practicums, S with seminars/studio, and W with workshops. Other letters have been used as needed to provide course numbers and do not have significance in defining the courses.

Course Value

All La Verne courses are offered on a semester hour basis. The semester hour value of each course is listed in parenthesis after the course title in the Programs section of this catalog. The standard value for undergraduate courses is 4 semester hours; for graduate courses, 3 semester hours.

Course Location

Most courses are available on more than one campus. Where a course is offered only at one location, the location is listed followed by “only.”

Course Frequency

Some courses are offered every semester; most are offered less frequently. Course schedules for all locations are available on MyLaVerne online, accessible from:

Course Challenges

Non-challengeable courses are marked NCh in the Course Catalog on MyLaVerne.

Grade Options

Most courses can be taken either for a letter grade or for Credit/No Credit at the student’s discretion. If the grade option is limited, the course description specifies “May be taken Credit/No Credit only” or “May be taken for a letter grade only.” Students need to check with their academic advisor to ensure a grade of Credit can be applied to their degree requirements.

Final Examinations

The University Registrar publishes final exam schedules each semester. Students have a right to sit for no more than two final exams in one day. In cases where a student has more than two final exams scheduled on the same day, faculty will accommodate students.

  1. Students are individually responsible to work directly with their instructor(s) to request alternative exam arrangements as soon as possible. Unreasonable requests for accommodations such as, but not limited to, last minute requests except in illness or emergencies, may be denied by the instructor(s).
  2. When three final exams are scheduled back-to-back on a single day, or students experience documented and verified illness or emergency, students may wish to speak with their instructors. Instructors may collaborate with individual students to reschedule final exams on a date that is mutually agreeable. The rescheduled exam must be made with enough time to allow the instructor to meet the deadline for grade submission.
  3. Students and/or instructors who are unable to reach agreement for reasonable requests for accommodations may appeal to the department chair or academic dean of the school or college as soon as possible. Appeals will be handled on a case-by-case basis.
  4. The instructor must plan with the Academic Success Center (ASC) and notify the student if proctored testing is necessary. Students are expected to follow-up with the ASC to plan for testing and to inquire about specific policies or procedures associated with proctored exams.


Grading Policy — Undergraduate

Grade Quality Points per Semester Hour
A 4.0 quality points per semester hour
A- 3.7 quality points per semester hour
B+ 3.3 quality points per semester hour
B 3.0 quality points per semester hour
B- 2.7 quality points per semester hour
C+ 2.3 quality points per semester hour
C 2.0 quality points per semester hour
C- 1.7 quality points per semester hour
D+ 1.3 quality points per semester hour
D 1.0 quality points per semester hour
F 0 quality points per semester hour
WF 0 quality points per semester hour. Designates an unoffical withdrawal from a course. Last date of attendance is required.
CRD Excluded from GPA (see below). Exquivalnet to C- work or better.
NCR Excluded from GPA (see below). Equivalent to D+ work or poorer.
WNC Excluded from GPA (see below). Designates an unofficial withdrawal from a course registered as a CRD/NCR grade option.
INC Excluded from GPA (see below)
IP Excluded from GPA (see below)
NG Excluded from GPA (see below)
W Excluded from GPA (see below)

Credit/No Credit (CRD/NCR) Grade Option

Courses taken for CRD/NCR do not affect a student’s GPA. Certain courses, designated “CRD/NCR only” in the Courses section of this catalog, may only be taken CRD/NCR. Undergraduate students are encouraged to use this grade option to explore courses outside their majors. However, no undergraduate may take more than one class of CRD/NCR per semester, elect the CRD/NCR option in a course required for a major, or apply more than 32 semester hours of La Verne CRD grades toward a degree. Exceptions to these limitations are courses listed as “CRD/NCR only”. Selection of the grade option is done at the time of registration. Students can change their grade options in the Office of the Registrar up to 60% into the semester. Changes after the 60% time period can only be approved by the appropriate appeals committee.

Incomplete Grades (INC)

Incompletes are authorized only when

  1. it is impossible for the student to complete the course due to illness or other justifiable extenuating cause and
  2. the student has successfully completed all coursework up to the last day to withdraw in the semester or session.

Students must initiate a request for an Incomplete, and if able, complete the Incomplete Contract available on MyLaVerne. Faculty are able to create an Incomplete Contract on behalf of the student, but it is the student’s responsibility to make sure the Incomplete Contract is submitted on MyLaVerne. The contract can be found on the Student Record Menu in MyLaVerne. The contract must be submitted prior to the last day of the semester or session. The contract will be reviewed by the instructor at the time of grade submission. The instructor can amend the contract on MyLaVerne to list outstanding course requirements and approve or deny the request for an Incomplete. Note: if a contract has not been submitted a faculty member cannot submit a grade of “INC”.

By requesting an INC, the student agrees to complete the coursework specified on the contract. It is the student’s responsibility to review the status of the incomplete contract.

Students in session courses (defined as any instructional period less than 15 weeks) must have all final coursework/assignments submitted as follows:

If the grade of incomplete (INC) was issued for the following terms: Deadline to submit coursework to remove "INC" grade is:
Fall Session I November 27, 2024
Fall Session II January 29, 2025
January Interterm March 19, 2025
Spring Session I May 14, 2025
Spring Session II July 16, 2025
Summer Session I August 20, 2025
Summer Session II September 17, 2025

Students in full semester courses (defined as an instructional period of 15 weeks or more) must have all final coursework/assignments submitted as follows:

If the grade of incomplete (INC) was issued for the following semester: Deadline to submit coursework to remove "INC" grade is:
Fall Semester The last day of the following Spring Semester
Spring Semester The last day of the following Fall Semester
Summer Semester The last day of the following Fall Semester

In Progress Grades (IP)

In Progress grades are reserved for directed studies, independent studies, field work courses, senior projects, and graduate culminating activities wherein the contract at the time of registration specifies a date of completion that is beyond the end of the semester of registration. The intent of the IP policy is to provide for individualized study which, in its inception, requires more than the normal session or semester to complete. Courses with a grade of IP are not considered enrollment beyond the original semester of registration. Students who receive IP grades are maintaining satisfactory academic progress for financial aid purposes. An IP grade will automatically be converted to a failing grade of NCR or F, if not cleared within one year following the semester of registration. A grade of IP is not considered as enrollment. Students who receive a grade of (IP) must submit all final coursework/assignments by the dates as specified below.

(Note: faculty can designate an earlier date to require all coursework to be submitted. This date is specified on the Directed Study Contract or Independent Study Contract).

Students in session courses (defined as any instructional period less than 15 weeks) must have all final coursework/assignments submitted as follows:

If the grade of In Progress (IP) was issued for the following semester: Deadline to submit coursework to remove "IP" grade is:
Fall Session I November 27, 2024
Fall Session II January 29, 2025
January Interterm March 19, 2025
Spring Session I May 14, 2025
Spring Session II July 16, 2025
Summer Session I August 20, 2025
Summer Session II September 17, 2025

Students in full semester courses (defined as an instructional period of 15 weeks or more) must have all final coursework/assignments submitted as follows:

If the grade of In Progress (IP) was issued for the following semester: Deadline to submit coursework to remove "IP" grade is:
Fall Semester The last day of the following Fall semester
Spring Semester The last day of the following Spring Semester
Summer Semester The last day of the following Summer Semester

No Grade (NG)

This is a temporary grade issued by the Registrar pending receipt of the official grade from the instructor. If an instructor does not submit a final grade, the NG grades, will be automatically converted to a failing grade of NCR or F. NG grades are automatically converted to failing grades using the same calendar guidelines as stated above for “INC” grades. Students who received an NG are encouraged to contact their instructor immediately to obtain their correct final grade.  Students who have an NG on their transcript for longer than one year should contact the Office of the Registrar for review.

Final Grades

Grades submitted to the Office of the Registrar by the instructor of record are final and official. By policy a final grade is based on the instructor’s evaluation of course work completed as of the contractual end of the course. Final grades may not be changed as the result of the submission of additional work or the repeating of examinations after the contractual conclusion of the course for the purpose of improving the final grade. The Registrar is authorized to accept an adjusted grade only when all the following conditions are met:

  1. The student applies to the instructor for a reevaluation within four weeks after the student grade is available through MyLaVerne;
  2. The instructor concludes by re-evaluation that the original grade issued was in error;
  3. The revised grade is officially reported by the instructor to the Office of the Registrar as a result of re-evaluation within a reasonable time after the grade report was made available on MyLaVerne.

A student may elect to repeat a University of La Verne course for the purpose of improving a grade only if repeated at La Verne. The student must enroll in the same La Verne course and is expected to repeat the course in its entirety. When a course is repeated, the original course, grade, and semester hours remain on the transcript, but are appropriately marked and are no longer part of the student’s GPA or applicable toward credit for graduation. Only the grade and semester hours of the repeated course are counted.

Notification of final grades for each course is made through each student’s MyLaVerne account. A student who has a hold on his or her account must clear the hold to view final grades.

Statute of Limitations

The University of La Verne has a Statute of Limitation policy that limits the time period a student can submit appeals in regard to retroactive registration/adds/drops/withdrawals, grade option changes, extensions of time on INC/IP, extension of time for degree completion, as well as submission of grades. The policy can be found under the Academic Appeal section of this catalog.

Appeals of Final Grades

A student who feels that an incorrect grade has been given must consult with the instructor first and must make this appeal within four weeks after grades are issued. A student dissatisfied with the instructor’s response may appeal to the program chair and department chair. Subsequently, an appeal may be made to the appropriate college Dean and finally to the Provost. The decision of the Provost is final on all academic matters. Questions of subject matter will usually be handled by the department. Students must be able to submit supporting information such as course assignments and test results. Charges of injustice due to prejudice or capricious action may require the attention of the Dean.

Official Cumulative Record/Transcript

The Registrar maintains each student’s official record which includes a complete academic history. All courses attempted at the University of La Verne are listed on the official transcript. In addition to the official transcript, official records are maintained which establish the last day of attendance for courses in which a withdrawal occurred. The official transcript will only be released upon the written consent of the student in compliance with federal and state policies.

Students can view their official cumulative record on their MyLaVerne account. Students should periodically review their record to track their progress towards degree completion. Official printed/electronic copies of transcripts can be requested through the National Student Clearinghouse. The link to request copies is located in the student portal. There is a fee for this service. Questions regarding your official transcript should be directed to the Office of the Registrar or Regional Campus Director.

Dean’s List

The Dean’s List is issued at the end of each full semester to honor undergraduate students who excelled in their courses during that semester. To receive this honor, a student must be full time and have a minimum GPA of 3.75. In addition, a student must have letter grades in the minimum number of units required to be full time. Students must complete all semester hours within the semester enrolled. Students who complete IP’s and INC’s at a later date may petition to be placed on the Dean’s List retroactively.

National Honor Societies

La Verne has chapters of several national honor societies including: Alpha Chi (all fields), Alpha Kappa Delta (Sociology), Alpha Lambda Delta (all fields), Alpha Psi Omega (Theatre Arts), Lambda Alpha (Anthropology), Lambda Epsilon Chi (Legal Studies), Pi Gamma Mu (Social Science), Psi Chi (Psychology), Sigma Delta Pi (Spanish), and Sigma Tau Delta (English).

Application for Graduation

All students must submit an application for graduation along with the published fee. Undergraduate students should file an Application for Graduation with the Office of the Registrar two semesters prior to their anticipated completion date. Any student with a major in Liberal Arts or a major not listed in the catalog must also submit a major contract. Any student with a minor not printed in the catalog must submit a minor contract. This application provides the Registrar with the information needed to prepare the diploma and to include the student’s name in the list of graduates.

A graduation fee is required of all students. This fee covers the costs associated with the completion of a degree program. Students who have not applied for graduation are not eligible for degree posting and will not be reviewed for degree completion.

Students who have declared their intent for graduation by submitting their Application for Graduation will have their records reviewed by university officials. If the review results in the student being eligible to be printed on a commencement list, a student can no longer add or delete a major, minor, or concentration.

Commencement Ceremony Participation Policy

The University of La Verne holds commencement ceremonies each year in the Spring. A candidate qualifies to participate in commencement upon successful completion of all degree and program requirements during the preceding Fall Semester, or when the student has enrolled in all final courses during the current Spring Semester. A candidate may also qualify to participate in commencement upon showing proof of enrollment in final courses or requirements during the following Summer Semester. Cleared candidates may only participate in one ceremony for each earned degree. Commencement participation does not constitute graduation. The University Registrar defines graduation as the completion of all degree requirements upon acceptance of passing grades and the posting of the degree completion date on the student academic record. Candidates who need proof of degree completion with an actual completion date may purchase an official transcript.


The actual completion date of a student’s degree will be noted on the official transcript. The diploma, however, will carry one of the following dates, whichever comes first after degree completion: May 31, August 31, or January 31. For graduate students, the specific title of the degree with the concentration will appear on the diploma; for undergraduate students, the degree, the major, undergraduate honors, and the concentration (if any) will appear on the diploma (minors do not appear on the diploma).

Changes to Academic Records after Degree Completion

A student’s Academic Record is academically sealed at the time the student’s degree is posted to their transcript. Except for error, omissions, or documented discrepancies, changes to the student’s major, minor, concentration, GPA, academic honors or other components of the academic record are not permitted.

Undergraduate Honors

A bachelor’s degree student must have taken at least 84 semester hours for letter grades and 44 semester hours in residence to be considered for honors. Honors at graduation are based on GPA according to the guidelines below:

Cum Laude (Honors) - a minimum GPA of 3.60

Magna Cum Laude (High Honors) - a minimum GPA of 3.75

Summa Cum Laude (Highest Honors) - a minimum GPA of 3.85

Students must earn the designated GPA in courses taken at the University of La Verne and in all coursework applicable toward the bachelor's degree (all combined La Verne and transfer coursework).

Printing of Undergraduate Honors in the Commencement list will be based on the previous semester's cumulative GPA. The posting of the honors to the student’s academic history and diploma will be based on the GPA at the time of degree posting.

Departmental Honors - Undergraduate

Departmental honors are granted to undergraduate students who demonstrate a high level of achievement in their majors. Students are encouraged to work toward departmental honors and should apply to the department chairperson or academic advisor. Departmental honors will be awarded based on a high-quality senior thesis/project and a minimum GPA of 3.60 in the major and 3.00 overall. All major courses, except for challenges, must be taken for letter grades. These are the minimum requirements for honors; departments may add other requirements. Departmental honors are printed on the official transcript but not on the diploma. Printing of Departmental Honors in the Commencement list will be based on the previous semester's cumulative GPA. The posting of Departmental Honors to the student’s academic history will be based on the GPA at the time of degree posting.

Academic Standing

Academic standing is determined after every semester. For all other students, academic standing is calculated after Fall, Spring, and Summer Semesters. Academic standing is reported at the end of the semester. Grades submitted at a later date will not result in an updated academic standing status. Academic standing is an end-of-term process and will not be updated with subsequent grade submission.

Academic Warning

An academic warning is given to an undergraduate student in good standing who fails to earn a 2.00 GPA in a given semester. An academic warning is posted on the transcript and grade report for that semester.

Academic Probation

Academic probation is a serious warning to students that their scholastic record is unsatisfactory. Continued failure to improve this record will result in academic disqualification. Students on probation will have semester hour restrictions, but are eligible for extracurricular activities including athletics. An undergraduate student whose cumulative institutional GPA falls below 2.00 will be placed on academic probation, with an appropriate notation made on the transcript.

Undergraduate students on academic probation must achieve an institutional GPA of 2.00 or above for each semester until their cumulative institutional GPA reaches 2.00 or greater. Undergraduate students will remain on academic probation until their cumulative institutional GPA rises to 2.00 or better and will not be eligible for enrollment in the culminating activity or for commencement until academic probation is removed.

Academic probation is distinct from financial aid probation, which is covered in the Financial Aid section of this catalog.

Academic Disqualification

Undergraduate students who fail to earn a 2.00 institutional GPA in any semester after being placed on academic probation will be academically disqualified. Disqualified students are not allowed to return to the University.

Main Campus Undergraduate Academic Disqualified students who want to return to the University of La Verne must appeal to the Office of Academic Support and Retention Services for reinstatement.

ROC undergraduate students must appeal to the Dean of the Regional and Online Campuses for reinstatement to the University of La Verne.

Extenuating circumstances will be reviewed on a case by case basis. Students may be required to sign a contract outlining the conditions that must be met when a student is reinstated.

Academic disqualification will be recorded on the students’ academic transcript. Should a reinstated student not meet the conditions specified at the time of reinstatement, academic disqualification will result. The Veterans Administration (in cases where students receive VA funds) or other appropriate governmental agencies will be notified when a student is academically disqualified.

Reinstatement of Academically Disqualified Students

The reinstatement of a previously disqualified student is by special approval. La Verne will consider an application for reinstatement only after the student has remained absent for a minimum of one year following disqualification and has fulfilled all conditions of re-enrollment. In every instance, reinstatement action is based on evidence, including transcripts of courses completed elsewhere after disqualification. If reinstated, the student may be placed on academic probation.

Academic Disqualification is distinct from Financial Aid Satisfactory Academic Progress. Students who appeal for academic reinstatement must also appeal to the Office of Financial Aid.

Academic Renewal for Undergraduate Students

Under special circumstances a student may petition for academic renewal. Academic renewal is provided for currently enrolled undergraduate students whose previous academic record was below the acceptable standard (a cumulative institutional GPA of less than 2.00) and is not reflective of their current demonstrated ability to succeed. A student may request Academic Renewal if the following conditions are met:

  1. The student is currently matriculated at the University of La Verne.
  2. At least five years have elapsed since the end of the period in which the work requested for removal was taken.
  3. The student has completed 18 semester hours with a minimum GPA of 3.00, 24 semester hours with a minimum GPA of 2.50, or 30 semester hours with a minimum GPA of 2.00 at the University of La Verne since the work to be removed was completed.
  4. The student was matriculated and enrolled full time when the substandard work was completed.

Having met these conditions, a student may petition for removal of University of La Verne degree work from the institution by submitting a request to the appropriate Academic Dean. A student may request the maximum of one academic year (two semesters, four sessions, interterm, and a summer session, consecutively taken) to be removed from the degree calculation. The request for Academic Renewal will be considered with supporting statements providing evidence of the following:

  1. Conditions 1-4 above have been met, and
  2. The work requested to be removed from the degree calculation is substandard and not representative of the student’s current academic ability.

If the Academic Dean approves the request, “Academic Renewal” will be printed on the student’s transcript and show that no work taken during the semesters removed, even if satisfactory, will be applied to the Bachelor’s Degree. All work will remain on the transcript to ensure a true and complete academic history, and all work, including the academic renewal terms will be included in the computation for departmental and school honors.

Academic Renewal only applies to course work completed at the University of La Verne. Students who have unsatisfactory grades at other colleges or universities must consult those institutions to see if they are eligible for academic renewal according to the policies of those institutions. Academic renewal from another institution will not be considered by the University of La Verne after matriculation at the University.

Academic Progress

Policy on Semester Hour

At the University of La Verne a semester hour is an amount of work represented in intended learning outcomes and verified by evidence of student achievement that is an institutionally established equivalency that reasonably approximates not less than:

  1. One hour of classroom or direct faculty instruction (at the University of La Verne this equates to a contact hour of 50 minutes) and a minimum of two hours of out-of-class student work each week for approximately sixteen weeks for one semester or the equivalent amount of work over a different amount of time; or
  2. At least an equivalent amount of work as required in paragraph (1) of this definition for other academic activities as established by the institution, including laboratory work, internships, practicum, studio work, and other academic work leading to the awarding of credit hours.

Course Load: Undergraduate

A bachelor’s degree candidate must complete an average of 32 semester hours per year to earn a degree within four years. Students normally accomplish this by taking 16-18 semester hours each semester, and 1-5 semester hours in January Interterm.

Below is a chart indicating the minimum semester hours needed for the semester based and session based undergraduate students for each reported time status. Students need to be aware what the minimum time status is required to maintain eligibility for financial aid, athletics, student activities, insurance, housing, I-20 to name a few.

Undergraduate Semester

Based Programs FT (Full Time) TH (3/4 Time) HT (Half Time)
Undergraduates (BA/BS) 12 9 6

Course Overloads

Undergraduate students are eligible to enroll in a maximum of 18 semester hours in a single semester. Main campus undergraduates who desire to take 19 semester hours in the 16 week semester can do so by obtaining the signature of their academic advisor. Students who receive permission to take 19 semester hours must submit an appeal form to the Office of the Registrar. Once the appeal to enroll in 19 semester hours is approved and the student has paid the appeal fee, the Office of the Registrar staff will increase the maximum semester hours allowed to permit the student to register. Note: students who are taking the course overload in residence at the University of La Verne will be charged for the additional semester hour(s).

Students who desire to take 20 semester hours or more must petition to the undergraduate academic appeals committee for approval. If approved, an appeal fee will be required and additional tuition charges will be assessed if enrolling at the University of La Verne. This process must be completed prior to enrollment.

A Main Campus undergraduate who is enrolled at the University of La Verne and concurrently enrolls at another institution, cannot enroll in more than 18 semester hours total for both institutions for the Fall or Spring Semester. A Main Campus undergraduate who is enrolled at the University of La Verne and concurrently enrolls at another institution, cannot enroll in more than 12 semester hours total for both institutions for the Summer.

Overloads are not permitted for the January Interterm.
Regional Campus and CAPA students requesting to enroll in more than the number of semester hours specified for full-time enrollment must have approval by the Director of their Regional Campus two weeks prior to registration week. Approvals are based on extenuating circumstances. Students who wish to enroll in courses at other institutions should obtain the approval of their academic advisor and the Registrar Office before enrolling.

Enrollment of Undergraduate Students in Graduate Courses

Undergraduate students at the University of La Verne who have completed all their General Education and Major requirements can enroll in up to 15 units in a master’s program and utilize these graduate units toward their Bachelor and Master degrees. Enrollment in the Master degree courses are subject to the written approval of the Program Director/Chair of the Master program. Students need to contact the program director/chair to see if a specific program is participating.

Standard Academic Progress: Undergraduate

A full-time undergraduate student will be considered making normal academic progress in good standing when completing 24 semester hours per year while maintaining a 2.00 cumulative GPA; a part-time student, when completing 12 semester hours per year while maintaining a 2.00 cumulative GPA.

Student class level is determined by the number of semester hours completed as follows:

Level Semester Hours
Freshman 0-27 semester hours successfully completed
Sophomore 28-59 semester hours successfully completed
Junior 60-91 semester hours successfully completed
Senior 92 semester hours successfully completed and above

To maintain financial aid eligibility, students must also meet financial aid satisfactory academic progress standards as described under Satisfactory Academic Progress Policy in the Financial Aid section of this catalog. Students receiving veterans benefits who fail to maintain the 2.00 cumulative GPA required for graduation in three consecutive semesters will have their benefits interrupted, and the VA office will be notified.

Academic Policies: Registration, Adds, Drops and Withdrawals      

Registration, Adds, and Attendance

Registration is the process by which a student selects a course or courses for academic credit for a semester. The registration process is the responsibility of the student which includes

  1. consulting with an academic advisor,
  2. selecting courses,
  3. reserving space in the courses by completing the registration process, and
  4. paying for the courses.

The awarding of academic credit, including the issuance of final grades, can only be done after all four steps are completed for the specified session or semester. Students are not allowed to attend classes for which they have not officially registered. Students who do not attend the first-class session (in class or online) may be administratively dropped, however, registration adds, drops and withdrawals are a student responsibility. Students are obligated to make financial arrangements for courses in which they have enrolled. Financial arrangements must be made prior to the first day of the semester/session.

Students are responsible for verifying that they have, in fact, registered and/or added all classes for which they expect to earn credit.

A student adding a course to his or her initial schedule needs to follow all four steps listed above. Students are expected to complete their registration/add by the first day of classes. To assure their seats, students must attend all their classes during the first week of each session or semester.

Students who fail to process their registration/add within the open registration period must appeal to enroll into a class. Instructor’s signature is required to enroll late into a class and the appeal form must be submitted to the appropriate appeal committee. If the appeal is approved an additional fee will be required.

Registration for the Fall Semester begins in the spring of the prior semester and continues through the first 6 workdays of the semester. Registration for the Fall Sessions begins in the spring of the prior semester and continues through the first 6 workdays of the session. Registration for the Spring Semester begins in the fall of the prior semester and continues through the first 6 workdays of the semester. Registration for the Spring Sessions begins in the fall of the prior semester and continues through the first 6 workdays of the session.

Registration for the January Interterm begins in the fall and continues through the fourth day of classes. Full-time traditional undergraduate students who enroll for the spring semester may take up to five units during January Interterm at no additional charge.

Registration dates for all programs are available at

Change of Program and (Add/Drop) period begins when registration opens and continues through the first 7 work days of the semester. An appeal fee will be assessed beginning the eighth workday of the semester if your appeal for a late registration (add/drop) is approved.

Registration for special courses such as independent studies and directed studies are permitted for CAPA, Regional Campus, and all other undergraduate/graduate students through 60% of the session or semester. A late fee will be assessed beginning the seventh work day of a session or semester. A late fee will be assessed beginning the fifth work day for January Interterm and any session less than 8 weeks long. All special courses need to be processed in person.

All University of La Verne students register and make program changes through their MyLaVerne account. The La Verne Course Catalog and all schedules of courses are available on MyLaVerne. All students can verify the courses they have enrolled in for a specified semester and the amount they will be obligated to pay on their MyLaVerne Account. A student who registers and decides not to attend the course(s) must follow the Drop and Withdrawal policy printed in this section. Complete registration information and procedures are available at:

Late Registration/Adds

Students must have permission of the instructor of the class to appeal for late entry into a class. Students cannot assume an instructor will allow entry to a class if they do not attend the first-class meeting. Students must obtain and complete the appropriate appeal form and submit to the Undergraduate or Graduate Academic Appeals Committee. Further information can be obtained in the Appeals section in the catalog.

Late Registration/Adds by appeals with fee begins as indicated below:

  1. Enrolling the 7th workday of a semester or session or thereafter.
  2. Enrolling in a January Interterm course or Summer Session course on the 5th workday of class or thereafter.


A student can make a request to be on a waitlist for closed classes. This will list the student name on the class roster to notify the instructor they wish to enroll in a specified class. Not all classes will allow a wait list. If a course has the wait list option, this will be designated on the schedule of courses. A student can view how many wait list spaces are available for a specified course. If there is still a space available, the student can request an open waitlisted space on MyLaVerne. The registration system will automatically notify students via their La Verne email address when a space is available. Upon receipt of the email notification that a space is available a student must enroll within 24 hours. One week prior to the first day of classes the automated waitlists process is turned off. Students must contact a faculty member directly to obtain an override to gain access to a closed class. If an override is approved and submitted by the faculty on a student’s record through MyLaVerrne, it is the responsibility of students to enroll themselves into the class by the last day to register/add. For assistance contact the Office of the Registrar.

Dropping a Class

Students should view the academic calendar for their semester/session to determine the last day to drop. Dropping a class is the process through which students officially notify the Registrar or Regional Campus of their intention to not attend a class or classes. Classes that are officially dropped are not posted on the student’s official transcript. Failure to drop a class will result in a failing grade. Drops can be processed via the student’s MyLaVerne account.
The time period to drop a class is indicated below:

  1. To drop a class from a session or semester that is 8 weeks or greater, a student can initiate the Drop beginning the first day of open enrollment through the first six work days (Monday through Friday) of the semester or session, excluding university holidays.
  2. To drop a class for January Interterm or a session of less than 8 weeks,  a student can initiate a Drop beginning the first day of open enrollment through the 4th workday of the session.

Students are responsible for verifying  that they have dropped classes they are not attending.

A grade of F or WF will be earned if any such class is not dropped.

Do not assume a faculty member will drop you from a class due to non-attendance.

Withdrawal from Class

Withdrawal is the process through which a student officially notifies the Registrar or Regional Campus of their intent to not attend a class or classes after the drop period is over. Withdrawals are recorded on the student’s official transcript as a W. Withdrawals can be processed via the student’s MyLaVerne account.

The withdrawal period for sessions and semesters is indicated below:

  1. The withdrawal period for a semester or session class that is 8 weeks in length or greater begins the 7th workday (Monday through Friday) of the semester, excluding university holidays and continues through 60% of the semester.
  2. The withdrawal period for January Interterm or a session of less than 8 weeks begins the 5th workday of the semester or session and continues through 60% of the given semester or session.

Students can submit their request to withdraw in person, by phone, e-mail, letter, or fax to the Registrar or Regional Campus. Students should view the academic calendar for their semester or session to determine the last day to withdraw.

A student who fails to withdraw officially from a registered course will receive a failing grade (NCR, F, WF, WNC). Faculty are required to submit a student’s last date of attendance for all students who stop attending classes prior to the last day to withdraw.

The University assumes that the student who drops or withdraws during a session semester will return the following session or semester. A student not intending to return to the University of La Verne in the following session or semester needs to follow the Official Withdrawal process.

Students should be aware that dropping or withdrawing from classes may impact normal progress toward earning a degree, and may have significant consequences for financial aid, major completion, and graduation. Students should seek out their academic advisor for guidance and consult, where appropriate, with the Financial Aid Office.

Complete Drop and Withdrawal procedures can be found at:, including applicable deadlines.

Statute of Limitations

The University of La Verne has a Statute of Limitation policy that limits the time period a student can submit appeals concerning retroactive registration/adds/drops/withdrawals, extensions of time on INC/IP, extension of time for degree completion, as well as submission of grades. The policies can be found under the Academic Appeal section of this catalog.

Leave of Absence

Traditional undergraduate student who finds it necessary to interrupt their studies at the University of La Verne and desire to return may apply to the Office of Academic Advising for a Leave of Absence (LOA) prior to leaving the University. The LOA form requires signatures from the Offices of the Registrar, Student Accounts, Financial Aid, and Academic Advising. With a LOA, an undergraduate student may be absent for no more than two semesters.

A graduate student in good academic standing may request a leave of absence (LOA) from their program for military service, personal, medical, or financial reasons. If a semester or session is in session, there is no need to file a LOA if a student intends to resume his or her studies the following semester or session.
Documentation for the request should be attached to the Leave of Absence form. Graduate students should initiate the process with their respective Program Director. If the LOA is approved, the student should then obtain signatures from their academic advisor or designated academic dean, Offices of the Registrar, Student Accounts, and Financial Aid.

The time limitation for graduate students to complete their degree shall be extended by the duration of the approved leave of absence. A LOA does not defer a student’s loan obligations. Graduate students who have been granted a LOA may be absent for up to four semesters or eight sessions (depending on whether the program is semester or session based) without reapplying for admission. Some programs have more restrictive policies regarding the duration of a LOA and students in those programs should consult with the Program Director prior to taking a leave. Leaves of Absence for military deployment have no time limit and students may return at any time.

A LOA becomes effective prior to the start of a semester or session. Students on a leave of absence may not receive any services from the university including, but not limited to, library access or dissertation/thesis mentoring.

Students are required to keep the University informed about plans to return. Otherwise, they will be considered withdrawn after the approved time has expired, except in cases related to military training or deployment.

Withdrawal from the University

A student who wishes to withdraw from the university must obtain a “Withdrawal’’ form from the Office of Academic Advising, the Registrar, or their respective campus and have it signed by the academic advisor and the Offices of the Registrar, Student Accounts, and Financial Aid. Students who are transferring to another institution must fill out a Withdrawal form. Students who fail to officially withdraw from classes will receive failing grades. The effective date of withdrawal is the date the student officially withdraws from all courses or the final day of the semester. Students withdrawing from the University of La Verne must also withdraw from University housing if they live in the residence halls.

Cross-Enrollment Policy

College of Law and Public Service students may not cross enroll between the 18 week College of Law and Public Service calendar and the 17 week semester-session calendar.