Educational Counseling (MS)

Admission Requirements

  1. Completed admission application and application fee.
  2. Official transcripts from all institutions attended. A Bachelor's degree from a regionally accredited institution with a preferred GPA of 2.75 or above in undergraduate work and a cumulative GPA of 3.0 or above in any graduate work.
    1. An undergraduate major in psychology, education, or closely related field is required. Applicants without prior teaching, counseling, or experience in education are strongly encouraged to have at least one year of volunteer or paid experience working with children or adolescents,
  3. A Statement of purpose. Write a statement of purpose addressing the following points: your reasons for entering the school counseling or school psychology profession, any personal or professional experiences and/or qualifications related to your intended field of study, and your perspectives on the relevance and role of cultural competence in school counseling or school psychology. Your statement should be approximately 1,500-words in length and typewritten.
  4. Two letters of recommendation from individuals qualified to and the potential to be a competent educator. Letters must be from individuals who can knowledgeably comment s academic skills, employment/volunteer experience, leadership potential, and professional abilities.
  5. Basic Skills Requirement (CBEST or Equivalent).
  6. Resume
  7. Current TB Clearance.
  8. Certificate of Clearance.

Following receipt and review of all application materials, an on-campus interview is required for candidates being considered for admission.

Degree Requirements

Core Requirements

55 semester hours

PPS 510School Counseling Practicum 12
PPS 511Comprehensive School Counseling Programs 13
PPS 512Digital Literacy & Technology 11
PPS 513Ethical Practice & Policy 12
PPS 514School Counseling Skills for Academic Success 12
PPS 515Developing School Counselor Leadership 12
PPS 520School Counseling Supervision 12
PPS 521Advancing Educational Equity and Access3
PPS 522Classroom Instruction for School Counselors2
PPS 523School Counseling Skills and Intervention Strategies2
PPS 524School Counseling Theories and Academic Success2
PPS 525Small Group Development for School Counselors2
PPS 535Academic Development & Success2
PPS 536Inclusion and Equitable Practices2
PPS 560School Counseling Supervision 22
PPS 561Data, Research, & Evaluation3
PPS 563Collaborative Strategies & Referral Systems2
PPS 566Social Emotional Development & Academic Success2
PPS 568Career Development & Academic Success2
PPS 569Crisis Intervention & Trauma Informed Practice2
PPS 581Leading School Counseling Programs3
PPS 582Postsecondary Paths & Academic Success2
PPS 585Pedagogical Practices2
PPS 586Data Informed School Counseling Programs2
PPS 587Advocating for Equitable and Ethical Practice2
Select one of the following: 22-3
School Counseling Supervision 3
CWA: Supervised FW & Coursework
Total Semester Hours55-56

Courses required for entry into the Pupil Personnel Services Internship Credential Program in School Counseling. Candidates who successfully complete the first year curriculum may apply for an internship credential, enhancing the potential to garner employment while finishing coursework. 


Students may opt to earn a Child Welfare & Attendance authorization by selecting PPS 592 CWA: Supervised FW & Coursework in lieu of PPS 580 School Counseling Supervision 3 for their final fieldwork component.

Concentration in Spanish Bilingual Bicultural Counseling (SBBC)

Additional Coursework: 9 semester hours

PPS 532The World of Immigrant Students3
PPS 533Counseling Latino Immigrant Youth and Families3
PPS 534Bilingual Educational Theories3
Total Semester Hours9

Concentration in Social Justice Higher Education (SJHE)

Additional Coursework: 9 semester hours

SJHE 552Social Justice and Higher Education3
SJHE 553Student Learning and Development Theories3
SJHE 558Law, Policy, Safety, and Restorative Justice3
Total Semester Hours9

Concentration in School and Family Based Counseling (SFBC)

Additional Coursework: 16 semester hours

Note: Concentration not offered for 2024-25

PPS 551Diagnosis and Treatment of Psychopathology3
PPS 554Advanced Theories in Counseling3
PPS 558Psychopharmacology for School and Community Based Counseling3
PPS 559Substance Abuse Counseling LPCC/PPS Focus3
PPS 583SFBC to APCC: The Path to Licensure2
PPS 584Clinical Practicum2
Total Semester Hours16