Physics (PHYS)

PHYS 102  First Year Seminar  
This is a discussion-based course that introduces students to the physics major. Topics of discussion can include physics career possibilities, tools to be a successful physics major, historical and philosophical aspects of physics, and the latest research tendencies in physics. Topics may vary based on student interests. This course is also an opportunity for faculty across the physics program to introduce themselves and their research to new physics majors. Credit/No Credit only. Not challengeable.
Semester Hours: 1  
PHYS 105  Introduction to Physics  
Basic principles, history, and applications of physics. A minimum of mathematics used. Not for Physics majors.
Grade Mode: Letter, Credit/No Credit, Audit  
Semester Hours: 4  
PHYS 201  General Physics I  
Prerequisite: Completion of MATH 105, MATH 201, or MATH 202  
Mechanics, wave motion, and heat. Lab included.
Grade Mode: Letter, Credit/No Credit, Audit  
Semester Hours: 5  
PHYS 202  General Physics II  
Prerequisite: Completion of PHYS 201  
Continuation of 201. Electricity and magnetism, optics, and modern physics. Lab included.
Grade Mode: Letter, Credit/No Credit, Audit  
Semester Hours: 5  
PHYS 203  Physics I: Mechanics  
Prerequisite: Completion of MATH 201, MATH 202, MATH 311, or Maple Math Test B with a minimum score of 20 or Guided/Directed Math Placement with a minimum score of 50  
Calculus-based physics. Mechanics, wave motion, and thermodynamics. Lab included.
Grade Mode: Letter, Credit/No Credit, Audit  
Semester Hours: 5  
PHYS 204  Physics II: Electricity & Magnetism  
Prerequisite: Completion of PHYS 201 or PHYS 203  
Completion of or concurrent enrollment in MATH 202. Calculus-based physics; electricity and magnetism, optics, and modern physics. Lab included.
Grade Mode: Letter, Credit/No Credit, Audit  
Semester Hours: 5  
PHYS 230  Astronomy  
Planets and solar systems; types and characteristics of stars; our galaxy and its relation to the visible universe. Lab included. GEPS-L
Grade Mode: Letter, Credit/No Credit, Audit  
Semester Hours: 5  
PHYS 303  Energy Issues  
Introduces energy concepts, resources, technologies, planning, and related environmental and chemical topics. Includes heat and electricity, chemical production, solar energy, photochemical smog, water and waste treatment, recycling, greenhouse effect, and population. Also NASC 303 and PHYS 303. Not challengeable.
Grade Mode: Letter, Credit/No Credit, Audit  
Semester Hours: 4  
PHYS 322  Electricity and Magnetism  
Prerequisite: Completion of MATH 202 AND PHYS 202 or PHYS 204  
Theory of electric and magnetic fields, current electricity, electromagnetic waves, and Maxwell's equations at an intermediate level.
Grade Mode: Letter, Credit/No Credit, Audit  
Semester Hours: 4  
PHYS 342  Analytical Mechanics  
Prerequisite: Completion of MATH 202 AND PHYS 201 or PHYS 203  
Topics from Newtonian mechanics, using vector methods and introduction to Lagrange formulation. Problem solving emphasized. Also MATH 342.
Grade Mode: Letter, Credit/No Credit, Audit  
Semester Hours: 4  
PHYS 350  Optics  
Prerequisite: Completion of MATH 202 AND PHYS 202 or PHYS 204  
Principles of physical optics at an intermediate level. Includes diffraction, interference polarization, and some geometrical optics. Lab.
Grade Mode: Letter, Credit/No Credit, Audit  
Semester Hours: 4  
PHYS 360  Modern Physics  
Prerequisite: Completion of MATH 202 AND PHYS 202 or PHYS 204  
Introduces modern physics: special relativity, atomic structure, quantum theory, the solid state, and the nucleus. Lab included
Grade Mode: Letter, Credit/No Credit, Audit  
Semester Hours: 5  
PHYS 365  Astrophysics  
Prerequisite: Completion of MATH 202 and PHYS 204  
Introduction to modern astrophysics for physicists. Covers fundamentals of celestial mechanics, relativity, stellar spectra, galaxy dynamics and cosmology.
Semester Hours: 4  
PHYS 368  Quantum Mechanics  
Prerequisite: Completion of MATH 202 AND PHYS 202 or PHYS 204  
Introduces quantum systems, using the Schrodinger equation, operators, and Dirac notation.
Grade Mode: Letter, Credit/No Credit, Audit  
Semester Hours: 4  
PHYS 370  Statistical and Thermal Physics  
Prerequisite: Completion of MATH 202 and PHYS 204  
Introductions to statistical and thermal physics for physicists. Covers first and second laws of thermodynamics, entropy, heat engines and refrigerators, and quantum statistics.
Grade Mode: Letter, Credit/No Credit  
Semester Hours: 4  
PHYS 380  Solid State Physics  
Prerequisite: Completion of MATH 202 and PHYS 204  
Introduction to solid state physics. Covers crystals, reciprocal lattices, phonons, semi-conductors, metals and magnetism.
Grade Mode: Letter, Credit/No Credit  
Semester Hours: 4  
PHYS 390  Physics Seminar  
This course consists of attendance and participation in weekly meetings and seminars. Topics include: research methods, literature review, and career and graduate school opportunities. Students will be guided through the process of selecting a senior project, conducting relevant literature searches and preparing a senior project proposal. Students will participate in a journal club in which they find a research article to review and present to the class. Credit/no credit only.
Semester Hours: 2  
PHYS 395  Advanced Physics Laboratory  
This is a project based course in which students work to design, construct, and implement an advanced physics experiment. At the end of the course, students will produce a research paper and give an oral presentation on their research. Letter grade only. Not challengeable. May be taken a total of twice for credit.
Semester Hours: 2,4  
PHYS 399  Independent Study  
Student-designed courses approved by a faculty member. Prior approval of goals, objectives, procedures, and assessment plan as directed in the Independent Study Manual is required. May be taken multiple times with a different topic for credit. Not challengeable.
Grade Mode: Letter, Credit/No Credit, Audit  
Semester Hours: 1-4  
PHYS 409  Selected Topics in Physics  
Prerequisite: Completion of MATH 202 AND PHYS 202 or PHYS 204  
Topics not covered in other courses. May be taken twice for credit. May be taken for letter grade only. Not challengeable.
Grade Mode: Letter, Letter, Audit  
Semester Hours: 2,4  
PHYS 499  Senior Project/Seminar  
Culminating activity required by majors in all departments. Papers/theses/projects researched, prepared, and written under the guidance of a faculty member. Comprehensive exams or recitals required in some departments. Academically, Students must be in Good Standing to enroll in 499. Can be taken for letter grade only. Not challengeable.
Semester Hours: 4